Welcome to

Harmony Piano Tuning

The website of Chris Lawson, Piano Tuner & Technician

- Serving Greater Geelong & Western Victoria

Feel free to browse the site’s pages, which include:


     About Chris - A brief history of Chris and his interest in pianos.


     Services & Prices - What it costs for piano tuning & other work, such as repairs and regulation.


     Q & A - Question & Answers on Piano Tuning, Piano Repairing & Piano Regulating


     Caring For Your Piano - Tips on things you can do to keep your piano in good condition

     Chris's Values - Chris's Value & Philosophy in Piano Tuning

     Environmental Ethics - Issues concerning our impact on the environment

     Contact - The best way to get in touch with Chris Lawson, Piano Tuner & Technician

     Facebook! - Have a look at Chris's facebook page!

ABN 44 187 781 405